Conformation Balancing fascia bodywork brings authentic health, vitality and freedom for horse and rider by releasing tight stuck fascia so the horse moves better and feels better. The fascia releases also ends anxiety and trauma in the horse. It’s key for bio-mechanics. Horse fitness rules your ride!

Fascia, also called myofascia or connective tissue, is the filmy white tissue holding points, meridians, organs & all body parts. Stuck Fascia  brings pain and fear. With release, trauma and injury eases permanently for the horse. Stuck fascia holds energy cysts which hold emotional trauma.

This is why fascia release works so completely to solve injury limits. This soma-emotional release allows the horse to let go of the old experience held in the fascia. Full recovery happens. Get 100%  fitness for horses with Conformation Balancing,  including complete Cranio-Sacral & in-mouth  releases.

Tight fascia also impacts body organs. This means lower immunity, poor digestion, dull coats. Get started on lasting health gains for your horse to fulfill his potential using the book and DVD. Coaching sessions also available.

“Is Your Horse 100%?”

This is a book that goes beyond the anatomical importance of the connective tissue system in horses…it addresses the holistic need of the horse to be understood and respected. It gives insight into the way fascial tension affects the behavior and performance of horses and how relief for the fascial system provides horses with much more than alleviation of pain. This book should be in the library of all horse owners.             Madalyn Ward, DVM


Get 100% HEALING: The missing link is Fascia

Fascia is cellular Physics working in the body.  

The above photo is  from “Architecture of Human Living Fascia” by Jean-Claude Guimberteau, MD.  Fascia images were  captured using a digital endoscope to record processes in  his surgical patients’ tissue as he worked through and around it. Fascia’s vital importance to body health is hidden from the public.

“The videotaped sequences leave no doubt. Any gesture of manual therapy has an impact at the cellular level.” Dr. Guimberteau told Karrie Osborn while working on an article for Sept/Oct 2016 issue of Massage and Bodywork.  Jean-Claude Guimberteau, author of “Architecture of Human Living Fascia. The extracellular matrix and cells revealed through endoscopy, Handspring Publishing.



“…The work I’ve been doing from your book for just for a few weeks has produced more results than back injections & professional training has accomplished in several years, so thank you so much for sharing your experiences with the rest of us!
I’m almost 74 but the bonding, his new relaxed demeanor and movement make me want to ride him again! I’ve ordered your DVD to make sure I haven’t missed anything!
Thank you again & again…Donna, TX


My personal  quest for fitness and pain solutions brought me to fascia work. I’d taken the tour of regular chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, reflexology, Reiki, oils, herbs and whatever else I encountered. My neck still hurt and the compensations were everywhere.   Heller worker Steve Evans arrived via a horse show. His myofascial release/structural integration  sessions began  restoration of my lost fitness. I was still riding, but not sitting well until Steve started the balancing for me. He suggested I learn the work for horses, for fun. I certified with Equine Natural Balance’s Joseph Freeman in WA.  The hobby became a vocation. Since horses need solutions promptly, I developed a visual method to find problems quickly. We saw the horses change and followed the body for progress. The horse leads the way with his response. 

The horse is a master compensator. It’s easy to get lost in the maze of compensations. Modern diagnostics will cite a specific cause or “dis-ease” in the body. Fascia bodywork addresses the chronic, long-term movement limits from stiff adhesions, stuck sheets and tight wires that severely limit easy flow of body parts and hide the true problem.

“Is Your Horse 100%?”  published in April, 2017 by Trafalgar Books. The book is written and designed for easy use and consistent, steady results in your horse’s fitness progress. The lasting results are proven.

Meet Lauri Ott:
Lauri is a Certified Practitioner of Conformation Balancing. She is also a certified Saddle Fitter and Area Representative for Duo-Fit Saddles for George Gullickson, producer of dressage and western saddles for the woman rider. She is located in WI. More info is on the Coaching Tab.
Contact Lauri: 715-592-0134

SINCE YOU’RE ONE OF MY BEST FANS AND SO INSTRUMENTAL IN GETTING WINGZ INTO TOP FORM, I wanted to share this with you. The show season ends Sept 30th so this can change, but for now, Wingz is 3rd top Hanoverian in the country, Adult Amateur 3rd Level.  It’s pretty cool to see her listed here. Thank you for all you’ve done for her!!!! You have a great book! Rickie