LEARN TO BALANCE THE HORSE’S HEAD & HINDQUARTERS  BY RELEASING STUCK FASCIA . This is the only method for helping horses to release old held tissue charges. Head tossing, mis-aligned jaws, uneven eyes, poll restrictions, crookedness, poor towlines and other performance and behavior limits to free, relaxed movement in horses. Athletic limits are not solved by working only on the head or hind, much less individual parts of the horse. 

“I’ve just finished reading your book and first I want to thank you for writing it. I loved it!!! I’ve had Reiki healing for many years, reading your book added so much to me. It was finding the missing piece. I feel more complete, strong and self assured in my bodywork. Also my horses who are used to my hands on have had many and long still points and strong releases. It will be an adventure to follow them in future changes.”  Kia, Sweden